


Indonesian Air Puith Power Station

Indonesia Air Puith Hydropower Station is located in Bengkulu Province, Sumatra Island, Indonesia, with the designwater head of 36 m, the designer flow of 66.6 m³ /s, and the installed capacity of 21 MW. The project was started in january 2017 and completed in August 2019. 
The end of the tunnel of Air Puith Hydropower Station passes through the completely weathered tuff, which is loose, expansive and rich in groundwater. After excavation disturbance, the tunnel rapidly deforms and collapses, and the bottom plate subsides. The newly excavated tunnel is deformed, subsided and cracked, which is not reinforced yet. The construction safety risk and construction difficulty are great. The contractor successfully passed through the rare special surrounding rock through foundation treatment, weak footage and strong support, adjustment of tunnel axis and other measures.


